I would take the numbers with a grain of salt. If the stats are true (93M Awake per issue and 42M Watchtowers), every single JW places an average of 15 Awake magazines and similarly large amount of 7 Watchtowers bi-weekly (which was 44/month/JW a few years ago and since they've gone monthly now it is 22/month)
Even as pioneer I didn't get anywhere close to 30 magazines per month, and they claim every JW turning in a report card does this?
Interesting is that the 'study' Watchtowers have a distribution of 14M, whereas they're only for JW's and there's only ~6M of those with half of the organization living in situations where it is not only hard to get the timely delivery of the rags, they are in areas where many people would have difficulty reading. Someone's seen counting with a fork?